Daphné Rose


Millénaire 4 Educational serious game

Project Description

Millénaire 4 is a game ordered by Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech (ENPC) to evaluate its formations, more exactly students' skills one cross-disciplinary professionnal fields, under a fun and appealing form. For 3 weeks as part of a student project at IMAC, with a 3 members' team, we had to create an evaluation system of enigmas in M4 game : connection of game data to a database and display of those data in a web interface which serves as a dashboard for both students, teachers and administators.

Project Details

  • The project is set on many years. It started in 2017 with another IMAC students team, and was taken over in 2018
  • Setting up of a database and back-office
  • Connect game data on Unity with the server
  • Back-office's prototype temporary available on millenaire4.enpc.fr
  • Collaboration with Justine Vuillemot and Noémie Pierre-Jean