Strategy game in Virtual Reality where the player embodies a god whose aim is to protect upset villagers who want to reach the Château and kick out the Wicked Lord.
VirtuHall is a 3D adventure game where the player is a cute samurai wannabe determined to win the cosplay contest.
Code or Love is an interactive fiction game in console. You play a programmer student who will have to choose between improving their programming skills or falling in love.
Popopotager is a battleship game made with SDL. You play a bunny who wants to blow up their neighbour's garden!
Arkanopong is a game which associates Arkanoid and Pong gameplays, made with C and OpenGL.
A web application to borrow audiovisual equipements from the UPEM university.
Juré is a short novel-video (Lettres Vives 2017 Contest winner in its category) which provides a new experience of reading a story.
U.P.E.M. is an official short regularly broadcast on Youtube about universitys news.
The video presents Notico Contacts' app which gives users the opportunity to keep in touch with relatives and friends.