Daphné Rose


Hello ! I'm Daphné Rose, creative engineer specialized in 3D programming and interactive experiences.

Tous au château!

Strategy game in Virtual Reality where the player embodies a god whose aim is to protect upset villagers who want to reach the Château and kick out the Wicked Lord.


Paris City Simulation based on sounds and computed by AI


VirtuHall is a 3D adventure game where the player is a cute samurai wannabe determined to win the cosplay contest.


Magman is an adaptation of the famous video game Pacman, made with OpenGL in 3D.

Code or Love

Code or Love is an interactive fiction game in console. You play a programmer student who will have to choose between improving their programming skills or falling in love.

Millénaire 4

M4 is a serious game ordered by Ecole des Ponts ParisTech to evualuate its formations.


Popopotager is a battleship game made with SDL. You play a bunny who wants to blow up their neighbour's garden!


Arkanopong is a game which associates Arkanoid and Pong gameplays, made with C and OpenGL.

Audovisual equipements borrowing

A web application to borrow audiovisual equipements from the UPEM university.


Juré is a short novel-video (Lettres Vives 2017 Contest winner in its category) which provides a new experience of reading a story.

Une Petite Émission Mensuelle

U.P.E.M. is an official short regularly broadcast on Youtube about universitys news.

Notico Contacts

The video presents Notico Contacts' app which gives users the opportunity to keep in touch with relatives and friends.